Roasted Zucchini

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Roasted Zucchini is so simple, seasoned to perfection, and topped with parmesan. A quick & easy recipe that makes for a delicious side dish!

This Baked Zucchini is a must-make- such a tasty recipe! For more Zucchini recipes, try our Double Chocolate Zucchini Muffins or The Best Zucchini Bread.

Roasted Zucchini on a plate

Roasted Zucchini

Whenever it’s time to plan dinner for the night, I’m always eager to make up some good side dishes to go with our main course. There’s plenty of options to choose from, but I’m a big fan of something like some tasty roasted vegetables. While it’s not technically a veggie- turns out it’s a fruit- I’ve been loving this Oven Zucchini we’ve made recently!

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Oven Zucchini with Parmesan on a plate with lemons

Roasting vegetables is a simple and sure-fire way to make them tasty- especially if you toss them with some oil and season them up. That’s why these Baked Zucchini Spears work out so great: coat them with some olive oil and hit them with some Italian Seasoning and you’re good to go! For a bit of extra flavor, you can even add a parmesan topping to your Oven Zucchini for a crispy and melty cheese topping.

Text on image Roasted Zucchini

While our Roasted Zucchini Recipe makes for a great side dish that’ll go with all sorts of lunches and dinners, we think also tastes great on it’s own! Plate up with a bit of lemon and you’ve got a delicious snack that’s healthy and good for you too. We really loved this Oven Baked Zucchini and we’re hoping you all end up trying some for yourselves as well. Enjoy!

Text on image Roasted Zucchini

Liked our recipe? Try some of these roasted vegetable recipes next!

  • Let’s start with a big favorite of ours: Garlic Roasted Green Beans. These have always been one of our go-to vegetable sides: they’re so easy to make and so flavorful too! Even with very simple ingredients, you can make a delicious vegetable side dish that pairs well with almost any main course.
  • Another easy vegetable side that’s going to make dinners way less stressful is Roasted Cauliflower . Cauliflower is such a tasty and versatile veggie: you can make pizza crusts and rice with it but it also tastes so good roasted by itself! Making it is so easy too: just coat with oil, season, and bake until nice and browned- can it get any easier?
  • If you’re needing something a bit more starchy, you can try our recipe for Roasted Sweet Potatoes too. Whether your using sweet potatoes or yams, the only hard part of this recipe is getting the things cut and diced! Outside of that, everything else is so simple and easy to do: it’s a great, low-effort dish that’s still so tasty.

Text on image Roasted Zucchini

Roasted Zucchini Ingredients

  • Zucchini – Go with smaller zucchinis if you can for this recipe: it’ll save you a bit of cutting. If you’d like, you can also sub in some young yellow squash and try some Roasted Squash as well!
  • Olive Oil – No need to pick a premium olive oil or anything expensive.
  • Seasonings – You can try all sorts of different spice blends with this recipe. We ended up using a mix of salt, pepper, and some store-bought Italian seasoning. You can also use our homemade Italian Seasoning if you want!
  • Parmesan – We’d prefer you use freshly shredded parmesan for this recipe.

Oven Roasted Zucchini Ingredients

How to roast Zucchini

This Roasted Zucchini recipe is great because it’s so quick and easy! To make some up for yourself, here’s what you need to do:
  1. Trim ends from zucchini then cut into spears, chips, or cubes.
  2. Arrange zucchini on greased rack on baking sheet, coat well with olive oil, and season to taste.
  3. Top with shredded parmesan and bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Broil for 3 minutes to brown parmesan before serving.

Zucchini cut in spears on a cutting board

Start by getting your zucchini trimmed and cut. Trim the ends off and then cut the zucchini into quarters lengthwise. You could also cube or slice the zucchini into chips- just remember to bake at 350 degrees instead of 400 later. Once cut, move the zucchini to a greased tray on a baking sheet and coat well with the oil.

Drizzling oil on zucchini

This oil will help our seasonings stick. Season first with some salt and pepper.

Salt and pepper added

Follow this up with your Italian seasoning.

Italian seasoning added

Once those are all seasoned, top each zucchini spear with some shredded parmesan. Be generous!

Cheese added to spears

All that’s left is to bake our zucchini. Transfer the tray with the seasoned zucchini spears to an awaiting 400 degree oven and let bake for 15 minutes.

Oven cooked zucchini on pan

To get than nice, browned finish to the parmesan topping, we’re going to briefly broil the zucchini in the oven. Set the oven to broil and let the zucchini broil for about 3 minutes or until the parmesan is melted and browned to your liking.

Spears of cooked zucchini on a plate

Your Roasted Zucchini- or Baked Zucchini, if you want to call it that- will keep in the fridge for about 3 days. Avoid freezing, or else your zucchini will get mushy. Hope you enjoy!

Roasted zucchini on a fork

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Roasted Zucchini

By: Jen CIncyshopper
Roasted Zucchini is so simple, seasoned to perfection, and topped with parmesan. A quick & easy recipe that makes for a delicious side dish!
Prep: 10 minutes
Cook: 18 minutes
Total: 28 minutes
Servings: 3


  • 2 small Zucchini
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1/2 tsp Coarse Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
  • 1 tsp Italian Seasoning
  • 1/2 cup Parmesan, shredded


  • Preheat the oven to 400.
  • Trim ends off of zucchini and cut into quarters lengthwise.
  • Grease a rack with and place on a baking sheet.
  • Arrange zucchini spears on rack.
  • Drizzle with oil to ensure they are well coated.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Sprinkle with Italian seasoning.
  • Coat with the shredded Parmesan.
  • Bake in the oven about 15 minutes, until the zucchini is tender.
  • Turn the oven to broil and cook until the Parmesan is lightly browned, about 3 minutes.


Can cut into chips or cubes, butq reduce temperature to 350.
Can store in refrigerator for up to 3 days.
Do not freeze or zucchini will become mushy.


Calories: 131kcal, Carbohydrates: 5g, Protein: 8g, Fat: 9g, Saturated Fat: 3g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g, Monounsaturated Fat: 5g, Cholesterol: 11mg, Sodium: 665mg, Potassium: 367mg, Fiber: 2g, Sugar: 3g, Vitamin A: 404IU, Vitamin C: 23mg, Calcium: 230mg, Iron: 1mg
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Long pin collage Roasted Zucchini Quick and Easy

Long pin collage Roasted Zucchini Quick and Easy

About Jen Cincyshopper

A lover of food and frugal living. A wife to a wonderful hubby, momma to 5 fun kiddos. Welcome to my blog. You will find REAL TASTY RECIPES. Be sure to subscribe to my email list and follow me on social media, to never miss a recipe.

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