8 Ways to Cure the Winter Blues
on Feb 09, 2015, Updated Oct 20, 2020

8 Ways to Cure the Winter Blues
Looking to Cure the Winter Blues? This week, the cold weather and all of the snow that has been falling around the country has me blahh! How about you? The groundhog seen his shadow which means we have six MORE weeks of this yuck! As soon as the holiday happenings are behind me, I am ready for spring. I am ready for lots of sunshine, Easter, and summer vacation.
Growing up in Upstate New York, where winters are very long and cold, winter seemed to drag on for what seemed like forever. Now Cincinnati is better to me as the weather is just not as rough. But.. Cincy you just are not warm and inviting enough once February comes.
I believe in the winter blues, how about you? It can be quite difficult to even hop out of bed when the sun is not shining and the cold seems to just not break. Over the years, winter really has depressed me. I know it does for many of my family and friends too! But, I plan to fight off that urge to be depressed. This year I plan to stay focused and push myself and my family through this boring time of year.
These 8 Ways to Cure the Winter Blues have helped me combat the winter blues for myself and my family. If you are feeling yucky and wondering if you can make it through to the sunshine be sure to read on.
Exercise: Even if it is a 5 or 10 minute walk per day. Winter makes it tough to get outdoors to get some much needed exercise. Try bundling up and head outdoors to take in the fresh air. The sunlight can do wonders. Are you not one to brave the cold? Take a walk around your local mall or even join a local gym if your budget will allow for the added expense. You could even take a trip to the grocery daily to get some walking in. Hey.. you can snag a few deals while getting your exercise.
Eat Healthy: Food plays a very important part in how we feel on a daily basis. Winter months are always full of wonderful comfort foods like macaroni and cheese, stews and meatloaf. While those food can be great, too much of a good thing is not always good. Introduce some lighter foods like leafy green vegetables, seafood’s, cheese, eggs and yogurts into your diet.
Sleep: Sleep is key to keeping yourself from being overwhelmed. Lack of sleep can contribute to a low energy level. Sometimes in our busy lives, we forget that we should be getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
Socialize: I work from home as I am sure many of you do too. I can find myself in my pj’s sometimes all day long during the winter months. I always look to be warm and comfortable during the cold months, but it’s really not a healthy lifestyle. Spending time socializing with friends can be just what we all need. Invite a friend for a shopping trip or meet for a cup of coffee to get yourself socializing during the cold months.
Focus on a New Project: Sometimes focusing on something new can keep our mind off the cold and gloomy weather. Take on a new home project or home organization task. Consider a new hobby like scrapbooking or knitting.
Give yourself a Pep Talk: The lack of energy and gray skies can have our minds lacking self worth. I know I have days that I feel as though I am not a good mother, I have gained too much weight, etc. The list can go on and on. I can convince myself of just about anything negative when my winter blues have set in. Sometimes all that is needed to defeat these winter blues is to give myself a big pep talk. Getting out of the funk is the key. Take the time to affirm yourself of the good things about yourself and your life will be great therapy. Say something good about yourself a few times per day (in your head or out loud). Maybe even jot it down in a journal. Realize that these winter blues are just taking a toll and the negative thoughts are not reality.
Find time for Yourself: As a mother, I know sometimes I am so busy with work, keeping up with the kiddos and staying on top of the housework has me too busy for myself. Try to grab time during your day that is your “me time”. Use that time for something YOU enjoy. Maybe take a long bath, reading a new book or even enjoying a cup of coffee at your favorite coffee shop (this is one of my favorites). Taking that time allows us to regroup and refresh ourselves.
Turn on the Tunes: Winter is when I find myself turning on my favorite music to get me motivated. Nothing is more theraputical than dancing around my home to some Elton John Radio. Watch out, Rod Stewart can really get me buzzing, ha ha! If you are feeling down and out, turn on some of your favorite music, it’s sure to lift your spirits.
So, if winter has you feeling down an out, give these Cures for the Winter Blues a try! Spring is sure to be here before we know it!
trying your pot pie rececipe today with it raining outside. it smells great and cant wait for supper.