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Twinkie Frankenstein Treats Recipe

Author: Jen Lunsford


  • 12 oz Green Melting Chips
  • 4 oz Black Melting Chips
  • 1 Red Melting Chip
  • 6 Twinkies
  • 12 Candy Eye Decorations


  • Place Twinkies in freezer for at least 30 minutes.
  • Prepare a baking sheet or cutting board by covering with parchment or wax paper.
  • Melt green candy chips by microwaving 30 seconds then stirring and repeating until melted.
  • Dip each Twinkie in chocolate and roll to completely coat.
  • Transfer to prepared paper.
  • using a toothpick, spear a mini marshmallow and dip in green chocolate to cover completely.
  • Postition marshmallow in middle of Twinkie to act as nose. Use another toothpick to loose marshmallow from first toothpick and to smooth out chocolate.
  • Using chocolate as "glue", set 2 eyes just above the nose.
  • Place in refrigerator for 10 minutes to set.
  • Lift each Twinkie to separate from paper.
  • Using a knife carefully trim excess chocolate that ran off.
  • Melt black candy chips by microwaving 30 seconds then stirring and repeating until melted.
  • Dip top of each Twinkie in black chocolate to make hair.
  • Return to prepared paper.
  • Using toothpick method, dip 8 mini marshmallows in black chocolate to coat completely and place on prepared paper to use as neck bolts.
  • Place in refrigerator for 5 minutes to set.
  • Trim any excess chocolate that ran off.
  • Using chocolate as glue attach neck bolts to sides of Twinkies.
  • Take the one red chip and heat for 30-60 seconds until melted.
  • Using a toothpick, draw a mouth on each and draw the forehead scar.
  • Place in refrigerator for 10 minutes to set.