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Krispie Treat Easter Carrots

Author: Jen Lunsford


  • 4 Rice Krispie Treats
  • 6 oz Orange Candy Melting Chips like Wilton
  • Edible Easter Grass or Rips Whips Candy


  • Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
  • Cut each treat in half lengthwise, then cut each of them in half diagonally.
  • Take each piece and insert a toothpick in the flat end and place on prepared sheet.
  • Place in freezer for to minutes.
  • Melt orange candy by microwaving for 30 seconds, stirring and repeating until melted and smooth.
  • Pick up each by toothpick and either dip or spoon melted candy over each "carrot" to cover completely.
  • Return to sheet.
  • Place in refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  • Cut several 1" pieces of the Easter grass or Whips for each carrot.
  • Take each carrot and carefully remove toothpick. Use the toothpick to enlarge the hole big enough to insert the grass.